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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Did some looking at a 200K "daisy" ride for Friday. Welp, it will be a two-loop daisy - the smaller one being 38 something miles and a basic "Sidney, Block Philo Tolono" not quite loop 'cause it goes in to Windsor and Duncan where a person could sdo espresso royale or somehting.
The next big loop does Sadorus and Ivesdale and MOnticello before cutting back oh, as far as Bondville Road. Sigh. Dunno why but I *am* thinking "what are the randonneur rules about this?" so I didn't include "easy to take a short cut" stuff. So a person could cut back there... or go on up to Mahomet and then ... oh, I forget :) Yes, (
) up to Fisher (a hypothetical 'checkpoint') and then East... but remembering the Rottweiler, *not* to Thomasboro. Just back South to LEverett Road and then East to the wonderful 1900... then South to HOmer Lake road and in. That would be 92 miles. So a total of 130.
Of course, it could turn into close to 300K if we went down to Allerton Park... Yea, I figured that route out too. Now I need to compare it to the IDOT bicycle maps ... and get those trail mix ingredients!

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