Thursday, October 04, 2007
From LIB. Our fearless governor killed the "complete streets" bill. Even introverts can let the legislators know it's not 13 weird cyclists who care - give the answering machine a call after hours!
Dear Illinois bicyclists,
Please leave a quick 30-second phone message for your state representative.
Identify yourself as a bicyclist in his/her district. Thank them for voting
Yes on Senate Bill 314 back in May, and ask for a Yes vote again to override
the Governor's amendatory veto.
Please do this ASAP, as a vote may occur very soon. Find your State
Representative's name and phone number at (it's easy).
During business hours, call the Springfield office. Off-hours, leave a
message with the district office.
SB314 directs IDOT to include walkways and bicycle ways with the expansion
or reconstruction of any state road in urban areas. IDOT has done badly in
this regard in the past, despite calls for reform. The governor's veto
stripped the bill of its effectiveness. A positive House vote is the last
step needed for an override.
(Further background from an earlier bill is at LIB's analysis of
IDOT's bike and ped policies is at
Thanks – your call could make a difference!!!
- Ed
Dear Illinois bicyclists,
Please leave a quick 30-second phone message for your state representative.
Identify yourself as a bicyclist in his/her district. Thank them for voting
Yes on Senate Bill 314 back in May, and ask for a Yes vote again to override
the Governor's amendatory veto.
Please do this ASAP, as a vote may occur very soon. Find your State
Representative's name and phone number at (it's easy).
During business hours, call the Springfield office. Off-hours, leave a
message with the district office.
SB314 directs IDOT to include walkways and bicycle ways with the expansion
or reconstruction of any state road in urban areas. IDOT has done badly in
this regard in the past, despite calls for reform. The governor's veto
stripped the bill of its effectiveness. A positive House vote is the last
step needed for an override.
(Further background from an earlier bill is at LIB's analysis of
IDOT's bike and ped policies is at
Thanks – your call could make a difference!!!
- Ed