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Thursday, September 20, 2007

I arrived at work loving everybody and thinking that banana the lady was carrying down the hall was a singularly elegant and beautiful expression of life and creation.

The endorphins take a good hour to wear off :)

We were all told to leave campus around 1:00 after being told not to drink the water and then not to wash or flush. Latest is that we *will*, in fact, have school tomorrow (contrary to the dismissal announcement). Something about misinformation... ah, well, time to get out and ride! It's 88... gas is about 2.88 a gallon but oil's going for $82/barrel. I went to Champaign Cycle on the way home so I *could* flush... and Scot tells me they'll have brightly colored helmet covers coming in so as people who ride in the rain as I did last night will be drier (I suppose if I'd also worn rain gear it might have mattered!) and warmer and even more visible. Hmmm... but will they work with the helmet lights?

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