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Thursday, July 05, 2007

A taste of Europe in NYC? Congestion Pricing is getting press...

In these parts we've gotten the okay for Goodwin Ave. to be done "complete street"-ly. (how's that for a jargonized adverb?) This includes adding intersection bumpouts at the pedestrian crossings, striping bike lanes, installing new streetlighting, new traffic signals at Goodwin and Springfield, consolidating bus stops with new bus shelters, new striping/signage, and milling and resurfacing the street. This work is slated for summer construction in 2008.

We were float 78 in the parade. Alas, my smoothiemaker's in the mail to me so I couldn't do that, but I think the Giant Wrench from the bike coop was beyond divine. We also had the pushme-pullyu recumbent and Cassie on a recumbent trike, and half a dozen kids, and slogans about cycling to work, and Gary on the Jazz Cycle. I still wondered, though, how many people automatically pictured us as kids riding bikes with their parents along. (And I wondered about the folks squirting the firetrucks and getting hosed back... is that a local or more widespread tradition?)

I miss the Urbana Independence Day parade. Is it still 3 hours long? In the little town I live in now it was about 30 minutes, and that was stretching things out.
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