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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sigh, it's cycle 72, Car 10 - the trainer just won't fit into my current cargo options, so I had to *drive* to get to the indoor training session. Fun, though, especially when the "TrainRight" guy is trying so hard to inspire me by saying how much pushing a little harder will pay off in my next criterium. Um. I did try to summon some adrenaline and see if I could make my sweat puddle as big as the guy's next to me (I don't race, 'cause I'm a klutz, but I do have a competitive streak :-)). I think I won, but all his sweat was on the left side.
Yes, it accelerated my product lust for the Free Radical (I could easily toss the trainer into that mix and tote it along).
Seems there's a seminar a week from tomorrow on "innovative bicycle treatments" (as in highway engineering, not Free Radicals and the like) - tho' I can't tell where (but I said I was interested). Maybe "web seminar" means that with the right gyrations, incantations, and keystrokes a person can access From Afar...

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