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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Not too many other cycles out this morning, tho' it was nicer than yesterday's 30 mph wind. 24 degrees & 8 mph winds. Watched somebody else go straight through when the left turn arrow turned green (straight ahead light was still red), and it was a car... then the driver opposite with the green light, who had just sat there, realized s/he should go... but only a brief pause and the red-light-runner went through. Reckon they both needed more coffee.

Bigsmallall people want 'representatives of the cycling community,' recognizing the 'distinct needs' of recreational vs. commuting cyclists. We'll see. The current state of roads & bike routes might as well have "lip service" painted along those little yellow dashes, but maybe this can evolve into more than token "listen to the people" followed by approval of "bike paths" in the middle of the road...

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